- www.johnstonefitness – saw the shot of this guy getting fit on filepile, just found a link about him and his story (including daily journal); hey, cheap elliptical machine (see gym setup, program, faq)
- Firebird: Tabbrowser Extensions – This is an extension for extending operations of tabbed browsing, e.g., tabs become re-ordable by drag and drop.
- Lots of good things at HubLog
- RealPlayer 10 installation
- MP3 to M3U or SMIL playlist – M3U/SMIL bookmarklet from all the MP3 links on a page
- Abstract Dynamic – another very cool blog, with a very interesting mix of links, original writing, and a good blogroll
- JesseR’s htmledit + JS shell = easy JS learning environment?
I’m teaching ‘programming fundamentals for artists’ for interested IM/Animation students starting next week. I’ll be posting up an outline of my approach/thoughts soon. If anyone has suggestions, drop me a line.