On the mobile-tech end, I’ve gotten the latest Hiptop OTA updates. Some nice features added, but it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t load my own apps onto my own system and that I don’t have an SSH terminal.

  • Handspring NYC Treo 600 Launch Coverage

    The big news out of the event is the official announcement of four US wireless carriers. Sprint, AT&T, Cingular and T-Mobile have signed on to carry the Treo 600 in the US. Orange was announced last week in Europe. The smartphone should be available in the US in early to mid-October. The specific price will vary by carrier and plan, but is expected to be in the $600 – $449 range.

  • Mossberg loves the Treo 600
  • Treo 600 Mailbag
  • Treo 600 Coming to Four U.S. Wireless Carriers

    treocentral.com is reporting that Sprint will begin offering this smart phone on October 13 for $399, T-Mobile will also begin carrying in October 13, while Cingular expects begin offering it on October 20 for $549 before rebates, with the final cost expected to be $449.

    This should probably be taken w/ a grain of salt, an eWeek article from the day before gives much longer timelines for the other carriers

    Update: confirmation on dates @ bargainpda

Now the question is, do I stick w/ Sprint or T-Mobile…