Sold out of Red Bull at Ralphs?!!? What are these people trying to do to me?

Driving to the Ralph’s down the block, I was listening to an NPR report about how successfully Howard Dean’s (issues) been using (and fundraising on) the Internet. (Here’s a related NYTimes report, or check out the blog for real-time updates) He also overwhelmingly won in last week’s PAC Primary. In short, Dean’s been kicking butt, which is cool. Having watched him in a recent debate (Real – also, warning, it’s pretty cringe-inducing; also: Lieberman must be put off of his misery), he comes off pretty well. Last Dean related business: he is former Governor of Vermont, one of the only states with sane, respectable elected officials, he was not a Senator, and so did not vote for CTEA, COPA, The Patriot Act, the RAVE Act, or any number of shite bills that most of the other candidates did…

More procrastination fodder: Processing 1.0 _ALPHA_