Just got back from seeing The Hulk. I was quite pleasantly surprised. The multi-screen effects (and all the cinematography/editing) worked for me (and worked both as a reflection of comic book aesthetics [some of those wipes went waaaaay beyond that – in a good way] and representing the Jekyll/Hyde nature of the character), and the movie kept me wrapped up from beginning to end; color me impressed. The theatre was pretty sparse though at a 10:15 showing @ The Bridge. I haven’t been paying attention to the box office, but now I sorta hope it does well so that Ang Lee can do a sequel.

Ang Lee on Comic Books and Hulk as Hidden Dragon:

In one of those Chinese movies, “Crouching Tiger,” one of the characters wielded a sword called the Green Destiny. There’s a different kind of green destiny in the Hulk: “Americans are hidden dragons to me,” Mr. Lee says. “They hide in self-effacing, prohibited, guilt-pleasure behavior, and to me that says something about truth . something that I’m interesting in pursuing. The Hulk is a loner, misunderstood . he’s everything you find in a Western hero. But there are also those American tensions that work against him, like anger and guilt . that’s the irony that makes him an anti-hero. I think those Marvel characters, like the Hulk and the Fantastic Four, are the first superheroes that had a weakness.”

MacSurfer has links to all kinds of really interesting Apple news/commentary (WWDC fallout) on the web right now.

In other news, I just remembered I have a 2500 word final paper due for class on Tuesday. Hoo-ray.