The rsync algorithm rocks so hard. Here are some stats for syncing changed ID3 tags. Yay rolling checksums! 🙂
rsync[1869] (sender) heap statistics: arena: 758264 (bytes from sbrk) ordblks: 11 (chunks not in use) smblks: 2 hblks: 1 (chunks from mmap) hblkhd: 266240 (bytes from mmap) usmblks: 0 fsmblks: 80 uordblks: 690592 (bytes used) fordblks: 67672 (bytes free) keepcost: 840 (bytes in releasable chunk) Number of files: 3007 Number of files transferred: 10 Total file size: 14747774318 bytes Total transferred file size: 49373563 bytes Literal data: 52963 bytes Matched data: 49320600 bytes File list size: 143445 Total bytes written: 150027 Total bytes read: 423414 wrote 150027 bytes read 423414 bytes 39547.66 bytes/sec total size is 14747774318 speedup is 25718.03