• Audiopad – 2 friends mentioned this over the past two days, weird coincidink
  • There: Impressions and Analysis – interesting review, when I get a chance (Dec probably, I’ll do my own writeup after testing out There and Second Life)

    I believe There is a pure representation of a white middle class consumer society, the type that corporations wet themselves dreaming about. Everything costs money, and the only contribution players can make is to add to the amount of preexisting goods other users can buy. The game is completely static, with no innovation happening that isn’t controlled completely by the developers, and all profits from everything flowing into their pockets.

  • Giving E-mail back to the users: Using digital signatures to solve the spam problem – OK, glad I’m not the only one thinking along these lines
  • JAM LOG – an interesting looking blog. Too bad it’s in Japanese
  • Llorca – downtempo, jazz-house
  • Panther defaults to bash, not tcsh. Hoo-ray for COMMON SENSE. Also, chsh now directly syncs to the NetInfo db. cool