Happy Thanksgiving – there doesn’t need to be a link does there? Actually, a friend has told me that The National Dog Show that follows the Macy’s Parade on NBC is a can’t miss. Like Best in Show, but… err, real
Feedster on what do w/ problem blogs like mine – actually, I wouldn’t spend too much effort on this special case. ie, in all my web travels over the last few months I can’t recall really a single blog that generates feeds and doesn’t have permalinks. That being said, caching in general might be a good idea. There is a lot of ‘ephemeral’ RSS, I’m thinking about news services and other channels. Also, many of the permalinks given in RSS feeds point to fragments within the home-page, which become invalid once it rolls over. Of course, Feedster is doing better than Google. It’s almost surprising that Google still doesn’t try to make any effort at all to track content to permalinks