• It’s 6:19. Do You Know Where You Are? – The research notebook of a beleaguered hack
  • Tatsuya Saito’s blog
  • Web Design Practices – a site devoted to helping designers understand what design practices are currently in use on the Web.and aims to gather research about the usability of commonly-employed design practices
  • 456 Berea Street is a regularly updated weblog focused on web standards, accessibility, usability and other things related to web development and web design.
  • unraveled – Joshua Kaufman’s blog; HCI, etc
  • Interactive Narratives blog
  • Small Initiatives
  • SD WIFI options
  • UCDARnet – University of California Digital Arts Research Network
  • Meta-Game Group – An interdisciplinary, intercampus research group devoted to computer games and game culture
  • UCLA Design|Media Arts
  • Protecting Privacy with Translucent Databases
  • Translucent databases revisited
  • Interview With Michael Arias – Michael Arias works for the Softimage special projects team and talks about creating The Animatrix movies, the industry and the fusion of 2D & 3D techniques.
  • Behind the Matrix – New Prime-Time Series Is Based on Real-Life Secret Document; I don’t watch TV. Is this any good?
  • “Kill Bill Vol. 1” – The Script Vs. The Film – comparison of the actual film to the script floating around online
  • pornocombo [swf] – nice
  • College Student pokes at holes in TSA initiative – unfortunately, I have a feeling this guy is going to get the reaming of his life

    Southwest Airlines maintenance workers found small plastic bags containing box cutters and other items in lavatory compartments on planes in New Orleans and Houston. Notes in the bags “indicated the items were intended to challenge Transportation Security Administration checkpoint security procedures,” according to a statement from Southwest Airlines.

    Each note also included precise information about where and when the items were placed on board the aircraft, according to a federal law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity. That information has not been made public, so it’s unclear how long the items were aboard the planes.

  • Bruce Schneier on What He Knows Best
  • Changing the Game: How to Save the World by Taking Back Control of Our Data

    If you work, pay taxes or have a library card, you are vulnerable and
    for all the recent lip service paid by government to privacy issues,
    nobody at all is going to jail as a result of violating these new laws.
    They are effectively unenforceable. And so we say things are different,
    but they aren’t, and the best we can hope for is not to be hit by an
    economic airliner or F-15.

    If you haven’t lost at least $15,000 to fraud, it simply won’t be
    investigated at all. How many families can afford to lose $15,000? If
    you steal less than $15,000, you’ll never be caught, and if you steal
    more than $15,000, you probably won’t be caught, either.

    In the middle of this, we find the trinity of banks, government, and
    credit bureaus who betray us on our behalf. The banks and their
    bank-like sister companies are the airliners in our big economic sky.
    They use a modified version of the Big Sky Theory that says as long as
    theft is kept to five percent or less, it is tolerable. That’s what
    insurance is for. They play the odds to achieve this, which is where
    the credit bureaus come in. They are the oddsmakers. This system works
    for us, too, because it enables us to get a mortgage without ever
    meeting a banker, it increases liquidity and makes easy credit
    available for nearly all of us. But the system works against us if we
    are among the five percent who are victims because our time, our
    reputations, and a certain amount of our money will never be

  • Benchmarking the Scalability of BSD and Linux (mirror of benchmarks) – very interesting
  • JungleScan.com – a free service that scans products on Amazon.com to record their sales randking over time; discussion (via Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools -can’t read regularly or would go nuts from gadget lust)
  • Bob Log III – Boob Scotch [rm] – music video, exactly what it sounds like, from mefi shortlist discussion
  • Max Payne 2 gamerankings
  • Time Warner Corporate Identity – media materials, usage guide, etc.

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