Turned Away at Border

The love story of Trevor Hughes and his fiancee began in an elementary school in the Himalayan foothills.

They were “global nomads.” He was a diplomat’s son. She the daughter of missionaries. They lived in Asia, attended school together, fell in
love and want to get married in June.

But when Hughes’ fiancee, a German national, tried to visit him on a six-month tourist visa Monday, she was detained in Atlanta, handcuffed, jailed–even stripped of her diamond engagement ring.

Then, after 20 hours without food, she was put on a plane and shipped back to Stuttgart.

isn’t the America I fought for,” said Hughes, who served in the Navy
and U.S. diplomatic corps. “You don’t expect that from a great country
like ours.”

What happened in Beate’s own words:

All my belongings were taken, including all my jewelry and I was handcuffed and marched out with the other “detainees” to the van. It was reiterated on several accounts that “these were just proceedings, I was not a criminal…” Somehow they seemed to think this would make it more acceptable to me.

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