RowBoat has an post rating mechanism, which seems like a good idea, but well, in practice doesn’t work that well. The first problem is that you have to read the link before you can really rate the post, but when you follow the link you either leave the page, or make a new tab, and then have to go back and find where it was linked from to rate. The second is the rating isn’t actioning via remote scripting or anything, it reloads the entire page. The latter is easily solvable, but the former isn’t quite so. My first thoughts were to use a bookmarklet or sidebar, but you’d need some dedicated readers to install those. Surrounding frames are out of the question because… er, they suck, and … well, that’s about it for options that I can think of offhand. Next page (I’ve been spending the past while now clearing out my browser/blogging queue – this is why I shouldn’t blog).