You know, I still find it surprising that after all these years, Netscape still doesn’t have an answer to MSDN’s DHTML Reference. Trying to find stuff in the Mozilla DOM document (TOC) is pretty trying, and even when you get to it, the information you’re likely to want won’t be there (lists of properties or interface names, much less any working examples). Sure Mozilla is a group effort, but you’d think that over the past, say 4 or 5 years, that AOL/Netscape could have spared the budget for at least 1 intern to at create a shell of a document or install a simple search engine or, well, anything…*

(I’ve been tackling some event code again tonight. event.keyCodes of course can be gotten via introspection (and of course by now are fairly well documented elsewhere), but how about for example, finding out the Event interface types used for something like dispatchEvent()? Google doesn’t turn up anything and beyond the one example type (“click”) the Mozilla docs sure as heck don’t.

* No promises, but if I can ever get this event muck worked out, I might be launching something that could eventually help the situation