This hasn’t been a very good week for me with computers. One of my RAID parititions keeled over the other day, and then yesterday, after flashing my motherboard BIOS yesterday, my system flaked after CMOS setup and would simply blank out and die. Apparently, this has been known to happen, in fact, for the BIOS I’ve been updating from revision, it’s a known problem with the A7V333 and their update tools. Of course there’s no warning from ASUS. Gee thanks, ASUS!

Fortunately, my BIOS wasn’t corrupted enough that I wasn’t able to get to the built in POST flash and reload, so I guess that’s one good thing. So, my system is back up and running (albiet running at a 100MHz bus right now), and the Promise controller which drove me to upgrade my BIOS in the first place is also running. Hmm, perhaps I should get a BIOS Savior or something just in case…