More innocuous things: mpt on When good interfaces go crufty. In related user stuff, webword has put up a Userati list which tracks links among usability blogs. (that’s good stuff).

Instead of doing much useful the past few days, I played my eyes out on Chrono Trigger w/ Snes9x. After finishing that this morning, I decided to try out DreamSNES, a port of Snes9x to the Dreamcast. It’s an impressive effort, but runs sorta pokey (the SNES CPU is a 3.5MHz chip, but apparently, it’s the custom graphics/sound DSPs that are a PITA to emulate). Also, playing the games on a 50″ widescreen TV is a bit much. (The Dreamcast controller does beat the pants off the Gravis Xterminator I have lying around though.)