Thursday I went and saw a screening of Star Trek: Nemesis at the Paramount Lot. If you haven’t seen it yet, then I’d recommend you don’t it’s not very good, either as a movie or as Star Trek. I could pick it apart, but I’d be here way too long. I was a huge TNG fan back in the day and I’m truly disappointed in how shallow and fantastically bad the TNG movies have been (I haven’t seen Insurrection, but from what I’ve heard that would only strengthen this argument), especially in comparison to how great the episodes were. Compare, All Good Things, the last TNG episode, to Nemesis, the ‘last’ TNG movie.

My biggest disappointment had nothing to do with how fantastically bad the plot is (we could be be here for days if one were to pick it apart, but it wouldn’t be worthwhile), or the crappy way the action set-pieces were edited and strung together (or how ridiculous the actual fighting was), but more with the lack of real character development, and the complete ‘untrekkiness’ of it all (and not in a good way either).

A few questions…

  • When did Picard turn into a braindead ‘action hero’ Captain?
  • Why does every movie seem to center around him, with a stupid subplot revolving around Data and the rest of the crew used either to move the ‘plot’ along or as comic relief?
  • Does every movie have to take a really interesting enemy and completely redefine them into something boring and stupid?
  • Remember when Star Trek used to say something?

Actually, there is one possible explanation