I’ve been rather out of the loop the past few weeks, buried in development. Congrats to Andy. Uzilla.net 1.0 came out (more than a week ago. I am out of it).


Other web related stuff: jz under d^Hreconstruction, tantek log – neat, USC is hosting the Fall 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting (there will be some live netcasts here), Brandon on superworms, from a while ago but so I don’t lose it: youngpup on popup windows

A while back I enabled the BloggerPro RSS feed. I don’t think I mentioned that. Also, I wrote an IMAPblogger daemon. I should package that up sometime soon, but I’ve been ridiculously busy.

Sometimes I don’t know if this whole job thing is worth it. I think soon I’m going to get serious about the whole sticking to 40 hours (or the official 37.5 hours) a week. For the past year (well, about 1 month until the big 1.0) that I’ve been working here, there’s been continual deadline pressures [it’s like a constant low-level crunch-time, and I’ve barely had any chance to work on anything vaguely interesting, much less any of the fun stuff that I was originally excited about. Add to the fact that it seems that the longer I’m here, the more I notice the continual political and bureaucratic dysfunctionality going on. On the other hand, this is paying my student loans…