I submitted that bug that CSS2 Selector bug that I mentioned yesterday to Bugzilla. While creating a test page, I discovered it only occurs in quirks mode only occurs in quirks mode and with the :hover pseudoclass apparently (see additional testing w/ :focus added). But it’s still wrong, and not mentioned as something that should be handled differently according to the quirks list. Also, I submitted another bug related to the edit controls that I noticed while I was working on that, namely that the undo/redo buffers get cleared after a Javascript value change. Personally, I think this is a really big and annoying bug. A Javascript value change should be no different than any other typed change, and should definitely not be clearing the undo/redo bufers (for all the previous typed changes). IE works like you would expect it to. You can undo and changes, regardless if it were typed, or changed via JS. I’m hoping this is a simple bug to fix, like a ‘oh, we just won’t clear the buffer on a value change’ thing, but it might be slightly more complext than that to fix…

While playing around with the undo/redo (which honestly, I hadn’t really paid that much attention to. If it works properly you shouldn’t have to notice it) I noticed that in some respects Mozilla is more advanced. With Mozilla, each text input has it’s own independent undo buffer, which it’s advantages, I suppose. IE shares the buffers. That does mean you can actually undo stuff in the order you typed, but it does jump you around. I guess it’s a wash on which way is more usable. Also, IE does a character by character undo, which while taking longer, does give you some more control. Mozilla’s undo removes entire blocks, each block being a contiguous change (marked off by deletions or changes in focus). Again, I’d probalby have to give some more thought about which implementation is ‘better’.